Welcome to Discovering Biblical Church! Join us as we compare modern church practices to what the New Testament teaches. Check out these examples:
To many people, church is a place where you go to hear a sermon. But what does the Bible say? Check out our articles What is Church?, Body of Christ, Family of God, Sunday Morning Performances,
And has Consumer Christianity hijacked true discipleship? Are churches today making disciples who follow Christ or are they telling people what they want to hear so they can fill the seats and pay the bills? Check out Focused Upon the Cross, Denying Oneself to Follow Jesus, Be Transformed, and other articles that focus on Biblical Living.
In the same way that the Bible ought to change our daily lives, it ought to shape the church and what we do when we meet together or go out on mission together. Check out our articles on Biblical Mission such as Going After the Lost, Biblical Church Planting, and Taking the City.
And what about church leadership? Is the senior pastor model and the clergy system based upon New Testament instructions or Old Testament teachings mixed with practices of other religions and the wisdom of man? Discover what the New Testament says about church leadership in Elders Not Priests/Senior Pastors, Plural Leadership, Qualities of Church Leaders and other articles in our section on Biblical Leadership.
Living out Biblical truths such as the above begins with how we think about ourselves, our churches, and our God. Check out these Biblical Thinking articles: Saints Not Sinners, New Creations, and Pleasing God Not Man.
but if we align our church practices and our lives with the Word of God, we will be transformed. Read
Consumer Christianity has taken over many American churches
Do you ever wonder why we do church the way we do? Is the platform-driven Sunday morning performance that most of us call "church" anything like the church described in the New Testament? Why or why not? What can be done?
Let's think through how we do church today and compare that to what the Bible teaches us. Let's discover Biblical church together!